Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Our puppy will be here on thursday!!! I am so excited and in shock that there will be a new addition to our family. She is my birthday present, and I think she's mine to name...I think. We all have our name choices thinking ours are better than the others, but I think we need to see her first. Tim likes the name charlie (he likes boy names for girls) luna likes lily and keely somehow came up with the name calla. hmmm I like my choices best, Rosie and Twila. We will see. Our girl is the darkest one with her ears sticking up. It was so hard to choose from a picture let alone a picture of five super cute puppies.


  1. I cant wait to smell her little puppy breath. Jacks breath is soo nasty, it smell like rotten fish.

  2. Yay! Im so excited to hold and squeeze your new little puppy. I also think Rosie is a really cute name.

  3. The second comment was me, not Dan.

  4. She's the cutest one! I like Rosie too. But Calla is kind of original and cute. Can't wait to meet her!

  5. Hi Deanna! This is Patrice - Just found your blog looking at Hannah's blog - your puppy is so cute. If you ever want to take a puppy walk Dolly and I love Sandy Beach. Facebook me.
